How Screen Printing is Empowering Survivors of Exploitation

By: Susan Hendry “I stand taller these days!” proudly states one participant when asked about working in the For the Sparrows screen-printing business. “Having the opportunity to work and to contribute to the decision-making process of this work gives me a reason to get up and get going each day. I feel valued as anContinue reading “How Screen Printing is Empowering Survivors of Exploitation”

Bill C-308: The National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking Act

MP Arnold Viersen joined NSM at our Her Next Chapter Gala last month to bring greetings as the founder of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) to End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. This week, he introduced Bill C-308, the National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking Act. Having spoken with survivors, frontline workers, and law enforcement, Arnold hasContinue reading “Bill C-308: The National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking Act”

Human Trafficking Trends In Canada Today

Author: Bailea Tayler HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS A COMPLEX AND DEVASTATING GLOBAL ISSUE.  As we emerge from the depths of the pandemic, it is becoming clear that more than COVID-19 has rapidly plagued our world. Throughout the pandemic, sexual exploitation has spread across the globe with more force and has become more invisible. Human trafficking isContinue reading “Human Trafficking Trends In Canada Today”

Economic Empowerment and Survivor Microenterprises 

Author: Bailea Tayler Economic empowerment is an ongoing barrier for women survivors of sexual exploitation. At NSM, we believe in the creative inspiration of each woman and have developed a microenterprise program to support entrepreneurship in our participants. There are four times more women entrepreneurs today than 40 years ago, and the majority of smallContinue reading “Economic Empowerment and Survivor Microenterprises “

Volunteer Spotlight: Sparrow House Live-in’s 

Author: Bailea Tayler In 2021, our live-in’s completed a combined total of 11,232 hours of volunteer time. This is not only an incredible contribution to the work that NSM is able to do, but also an incredible sacrifice these two women make for the sake of loving survivors of sexual exploitation. Allow us to introduceContinue reading “Volunteer Spotlight: Sparrow House Live-in’s “