Day Program

"I feel hope. It is something I haven't felt in a long time."
- Participant Quote

Program Goal: Breaking the cycles of addiction and abuse and discovering her identity

*Please note that our Day program is not accepting new intake requests as our organization transitions to Her Victory. You can contact them at

Participants who attend Day Program reside in our Sparrow Houses and are working towards breaking the cycles of addiction and abuse while discovering their identity. Day Program classes run four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday), where the women focus on lifestyle recovery developing mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness skills while working on their own individual healing journey. Curriculum is facilitated by our Day Program Staff, Partner Agencies, and NSM Volunteers through a trauma-informed lens.

In addition to attending group classes, Participants can connect with their assigned Case Worker for additional one-on-one support and accountability in setting short and long-term goals. A trauma-informed counselor is also available to encourage further healing that supports the participant’s recovery journey.

Participants will complete three phases of programming before graduation: Stabilization Phase 1, Identity Formation Phase 2, and Empowerment Phase 3. Each phase consists of measurable outcomes that are expected to be met before a Participant can transition to the next phase of programming.

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Kingdom Coffee

We go onsite to Kingdom Coffee to roast coffee beans, bag beans, label the bags, weigh the bags. It’s a great experience that can put on a resume. All coffee roasted can be purchased at our social enterprise, For the Sparrows.

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Equine Connection

Equine therapy helps the women grow in their confidence, trust leadership, and communication. These skills are transferred to their everyday lives empowering them and helping the women in their recovery to change their perceptions of their own worth and value.

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NSM’s microenterprise initiative is an opportunity for survivors of sexual exploitation to partner with NSM to create their own small business. Profits are set aside in a fund saved for school tuition or rent for their next home.

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Sagesse comes in every week to delivery peer support programming in our Day Program classroom which has positively impacted and helped many of our participants move forward on their healing journey.

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Freedom 8848

Freedom 8848 is not only a huge supporter of our programs financially through their annual mountain climbing fundraising event, but they partner with us in our Day Program to offer participants wordworking and outdoors workshops. It’s been a great experience to have men who are key at creating safety for our women.

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Offering volunteer experiences to the women in our day program is highly valuable. When some women first come to NSM, they may have to build a resume from scratch and because they don’t have any experience that they’re able to put down, or there are large gaps. We want to offer a larger variety of engaging, unique, and SAFE volunteer experiences for our participants. If you or your business is able to offer volunteer experience, please contact us.