Fighting Trafficking through Real Estate: Purpose Realty

Spring is here! For Canadians, this means it’s the most active time seasonally in the real estate market. In case you didn’t know, our partners at Purpose Realty are fundraising for Next Step Ministries!

Purpose Realty is a group of competent, ethical, and professional real estate agents who are taking the opportunities provided them in real estate, and using them to help others. As a company, Purpose Realty gives over half its net earnings to charity across Canada!

If you, your friends, you neighbours, your colleagues, or your family are contemplating a real estate move, please consider reaching out to Purpose Realty for a free, no obligation enquiry.

At no cost to you, simply by working with Purpose Realty, you’ll raise on average several thousand dollars to help fight human trafficking and bring woman out of sexual exploitation!

The housing market is complex with higher inflation and interest rates pulling down some Canadian markets, and immigration to Alberta for example holding up other markets. Pricing trends have, and will continue to vary depending on product type, price range, and location. Purpose Realty is there to help educate buyers and sellers in their particulate market niche’ to make informed and wise decisions.

In addition to navigating the largest single investment decision of peoples lives, Purpose Realty offers free: renovation consults, rent vs buy equations, home evaluations, market updates, real estate portfolio management advice, and much more!

Thank you to our supporters who have blessed us through Purpose Realty!

We encourage everyone to save this email to forward to anyone considering buying or selling a home.

For more information about Purpose Realty, click here, email, or call: 1-877-453-3343.